The Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere (GSAB) Partnership Board has established a Dark Sky Network sub-group, which the SSDA is part of, to promote and support the conservation of dark skies within the UNESCO Biosphere designated area and more widely across the south of Scotland, this includes supporting the preservation of existing designations and the creation/promotion of new local Dark Sky Places, certified by leading authorities such as UNESCO and the International Dark Sky Association (IDA).
- To create a ‘connected’ Biosphere and south of Scotland Dark Sky Community with businesses, community enterprises, astronomy groups, astrophotography groups, and individuals.
- To raise awareness of the International Dark Sky Designations in the Biosphere and across the south of Scotland.
- To support enterprises / businesses across the region who promote dark skies; encouraging collective thinking and collaboration.
- Form a collective of ‘Dark Sky Advocates’; protecting what we already have and work toward greater darker skies within our region and beyond.
The Network has two main functions:
- A function to promote and maximise the opportunities the dark sky designations bring to the south of Scotland;
- To support the retention of dark sky status and promote the preservation of dark skies.
- Support one another with knowledge sharing and collaborative promotion.
- Promote the local knowledge of dark skies through schools and community activities.
- Highlight what GSAB and the South of Scotland has to offer regarding dark sky experiences to people outwith the region.
- Share opportunities, including funding opportunities, to strengthen the work of the network members.
- Work collaboratively to form a programme of events / a dark skies festival.
- Work with academics and researchers to campaign for dark skies.
- Advocate dark sky friendly lighting, its use and correct installation techniques across the region.
If you wish to join the network, we are especially keen to see more Scottish Borders members, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with gowan@ssdalliance.com