Second Annual Conference For South Of Scotland Destination Alliance Confirmed As Exciting Year Beckons

Event in March 2023 will be first opportunity for many SSDA members to meet new Chief Executive David Hope-Jones


Business owners working in leisure, hospitality and tourism in the south of Scotland are updating their Year Ahead planners today after the date was confirmed for the second annual conference organised by the South of Scotland Destination Alliance (SSDA).

The event’s confirmation comes on the cusp of an exciting 12 months for the region. Summer 2023 will see the official launch of the exciting new Coast to Coast cycle route from Stranraer to Eyemouth, while southern Scotland joins 29 destinations all over the world as part of the Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel guide of top places to visit in 2023.Their next conference will be held at Peebles Hydro on Tuesday 14 March 2023, featuring a busy programme of engaging speakers, topical workshops and extensive networking opportunities.

The SSDA held its first and very well-received annual conference in spring 2022 at Dumfries’s Crichton Campus.

Full programme and speaker details for the 2023 conference will be confirmed in early January when tickets go on sale, however attendees can definitely look forward to hearing from and meeting the SSDA’s incoming Chief Executive, David Hope-Jones, who takes up his new position on 30 January.


Interim Chief Executive Melanie Allen said: “We’ve been working very hard behind the scenes to plan another unmissable conference for our members and anyone keen to keep up to speed with the challenges and opportunities facing our industries in the south of Scotland. This is a pivotal moment for our region as we savour becoming one of only 30 destinations in the world highlighted in the Lonely Planet Best in Travel guide for 2023. Not only that, the launch of our Coast to Coast 250-mile on-road cycle route next summer, one of the longest routes of its kind in the UK, will give a real boost to visitor numbers right across the south. And the year promises to open up new collaboration opportunities, with new product launches and a calendar of high-profile events to attract visitors from near and far and provide a welcome boost to the local economy.

“We’ll explore how best we and our members can make the most of this exciting year for the south of Scotland at our conference, so make sure you save the date of 14 March in your diaries. And watch this space for tickets going on sale early in the New Year, with details of our fantastic event programme.”


Tickets will go on sale on the events page @ Anyone wishing to express an interest in sponsorship or exhibitor opportunities should email SSDA Membership Manager Suzanne Ezzi ( to be updated as soon as packages are ready for release.


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