Join today and help shape / drive / be at the forefront of tourism in the South of Scotland

The SSDA team is now ready, and hugely excited to welcome members!

We cannot wait to work together with you, putting your business /organisations front and centre of our plans to make the South a first-class visitor destination.

Membership of the SSDA is open to all tourism, hospitality and leisure businesses and organisations across the South of Scotland.

Joining us will bring a host of tangible benefits to individual businesses, our local destination and sector marketing groups, events, suppliers, and social enterprises, helping to cohesively build resilience and sustainable growth across our region. Details of our membership categories including the downloadable pack  are available to read on our website. Click the button below to sign up today. Simply select the membership best suited to your business / organisation and complete the form to sign up today. One of our dedicated agents will be in touch directly.

As we embark on our first year’s programme and focus our efforts on supporting our industry’s recovery from the devastating impact of Covid-19, membership of SSDA is FREE until June 2021, giving you the benefit of all our activity with no cost until then.  From June 2021, members will pay a joining fee of £30 and a minimal monthly subscription.

There are 5 categories of Membership

  1.         Individual Businesses and Operators
  2.         Destination and Sectorial Groups
  3.         Suppliers
  4.         Stand Alone Events / Event Organisers
  5.         Social Enterprise

Learn more about our tailored membership packages, the benefits to your business/ organisation and how to join by clicking the button below.



To read our latest newsletter please click the link below, and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletters;

SSDA Launches Membership and Activity



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